My calendar is quite full but I always try to keep one or two sessions open every week on a separate calendar for someone like you.

But this is only if you really are at the end of your tether and desperate to break through that wall of uncertainty.

If thats you, one of the above sessions is for you.

My (unconditional) gift to you.

Now I can’t promise you a life changing shift (although that has happened with some people) but I do promise you my undivided attention and a new perspective on how to move forward.

Why am I doing this?

You see, there have been many times when some wonderful person has helped me when they really didn’t have to and it made such a huge difference in my life.

So this is part of how I pay it forward.

Sound good?

DM me on LinkedIn with “free gift” OR email me at: with “free gift” as the subject and I’ll send you the link to my side calendar where you can book your free session.