
Insights On Being "Stuck"

The survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.
Your privacy is important to me. I will not share your personal information with anyone else.

Only your first name or nickname are mandatory as I need some way to personally link and sort the information. Your occupation is also mandatory as it will help me to place the provided information in context.

Your responses will be used only to help me improve my content and resources for people who are feeling stuck in their lives and careers.

I'm offering a free session to the first 5 people who complete this survey, I will need your email address or contact number to provide the next steps to you.
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Your First Name (or nickname)
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Your Last Name
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Your E-mail Address
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Your Contact Number: +00 11 222 3344
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Your Occupation
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What are you currently tolerating in your life and how does it make you feel?

What you're saying...
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How long have you been in this situation?

How long...
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What are 3 things that are keeping you stuck?

The issues...
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Have you tried getting unstuck? What have you tried so far?

What you've tried...
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What is the one biggest challenge you face in this situation?

Biggest challenges...
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What is it costing you emotionally, mentally, financially being stuck in this situation?

The cost...
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How would life be better, emotionally / mentally / financially if you were no longer stuck?

Life would be better...
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What kind of information would you like to see more of that could help you with this challenge?

What would be helpful...
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Thank you for taking the time to provide answers to these questions, I hope this has already helped you get some extra perspective. As promised if you were one of the first 5 to submit your answers you'll recieve a message or an email from me with further instructions to set up your free appointment.
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