
Path To Purpose Program


Enrol in the 8-week Path To Purpose Program with 6 group sessions and 1 one-to-one coaching session per week (with WhatsApp support via messaging or VN throughout the course) where I guide you through a process that brings to clarity:

  • Your values
  • What drives your behaviour
  • And what's most important to you

In the process I help you deal with:

  • Beliefs about yourself, others and the world that sabotage your efforts to getting the most out of your life
  • While helping you align your career and life with your values, strengths and what really matters to you.

It may mean uncovering where those qualities already exist and making some tweaks to what's already there or in creating a whole new career or life path that connects those dots. Ultimately bringing these things into alignment is what makes a life of fulfilment possible because then your life and career has purpose.

The first 6 weeks of coaching are integrated with the ground-breaking mental fitness PQ program that can not only keep you on track with the breakthroughs you make but also condition your ability to shift from negative limiting states to expansive and empowered mental states within minutes.

The PQ Program is a live, interactive online program designed to help individuals and teams raise their Positive Intelligence levels significantly in as little as 6 weeks.

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