Going Through The Motions

Going Through The Motions

There’s few things worse than grinding away at a job you don’t have much love for or living a life of endless responsibilities and drab routine with no sense of meaning or purpose.  I remember working long hours to maximise my income for a great short term insurance...


It’s in the darkness that I am most able to appreciate the value of light. It’s in the extreme contrasts that the true value of things become apparent and it seems a hidden purpose of life to reveal such things through our most profound struggles. The real...


Having experienced the desire for more for myself on many occasions in my life, I’ve consistently been brought to the realization that it was merely a product of not fully appreciating what I already have. Having things be the way we don’t actually want...


What is your purpose? A question for which the answer seems elusive for many people. Yet, you look to nature and there’s no hesitancy, there’s just a seemless flow of action which gets a very specific result. Humans do not have it this simple because our...